It is expected that the Unified Patent Court (UPC) would provide robust decisions as a result of the standardised practices between divisions and the diverse and well-trained pool of judges. This ensures that issues can be expertly tried, and decisions relied upon in territories previously unaccustomed to handling large volumes of patent litigation. This consistency […]
Firstly, the use of a single court system avoids the scenario of different courts in different countries reaching conflicting opinions on the issue of infringement. Even more appealingly, as the Unitary Patent (UP) covers a large number of European territories, it would be possible to use the court to seek relief for infringing activities happening […]
The Unitary Patent system would be cost effective for everyone. It becomes cheaper per country when compared to the traditional bundle of European patents as you seek to protect your invention in an increasing number of countries. Specifically, the annual cost of renewing a Unitary Patent would be equivalent to the cost of renewing individual […]
On 18th January, Austria deposited its instrument of ratification of the Protocol on the Provisional Application of the Unified Patent Court Agreement (UPCA). Since Austria was the 13th country to do so, this protocol has now entered into force, such that many of the articles of the UPCA have now entered into “provisional application”. This […]
Every experience a client or potential client has with a business helps to strengthen or undermine a business’s brand and in a similar regard its reputation. At Withers & Rogers we have been on a journey to articulate what we are, why we do what we do, what we stand for and what we are […]
Nothing drives innovation quite like necessity. The universal recognition of the need for zero emission transport is already showing a boost in innovation across different transport sectors. Challenges in reaching zero emission transport are shared across the road, rail and marine transport sectors. Recognition of these shared challenges, and subsequent sharing of innovative solutions, would […]